About this Blog

The mission of this blog is to provide as many educational and research resources for the gold and silver markets as possible. The blog puts more emphasis on silver because recent events related to that market have prompted millions of people to have interest in silver as a potential investment for the future. The goal here is to provide information geared towards people who have interest in these markets, but are new to them. This blog is not intended as investment advice or to make any specific investment recommendations. Each person has a unique financial position and should carefully evaluate their own situation as they make personal financial decisions. 

For anyone who is looking into the gold or silver markets, this blog provides information and links to resources that may be helpful. They are resources I have collected over the last 20 years following these markets that I have found helpful. This blog basically just puts them all in one place to make them easier to find. Below I will provide a brief summary of the various blog pages and the information available on that page.

Gold & Silver Market Info

This page has links to a variety of resources for fundamental information in the gold and silver markets that every potential investor should find useful. Included are links to live gold and silver prices in the futures markets, basic data on global supply and demand, data on estimated global reserves, and basic information on the different sources of global demand for gold and silver. It also has some links to information on methods people use to evaluate gold and silver mining stocks.  Included is a link to this article - Understanding Mining Stocks and this article Understanding Gold and Silver ETF's.

Metals News

This page will have a list of links to news and commentaries on gold and silver from many different media sources. Both mainstream and alternate media sources may be linked to provide a broad overview of how different participants see the markets. Some links will be just straight news articles and some will offer commentary. The goal of this page is to provide an easy to use overview of news and commentary which is updated regularly.

Gold & Silver Coin Info

This page is focused specifically on information related to gold and silver coins. These coins are one of the most popular ways people choose to invest in gold and silver. The page includes links to resources that explain the various forms of physical gold and silver such as bullion coins, collector coins, bars, and other forms of bullion like rounds. This information can be useful to anyone, but especially to someone new to these markets. The page has a link to this article - Understanding the US Mint - which looks at the different versions of gold and silver coins produced just by the US Mint in some detail. It explains why what seems like "the same coin" to most people has different price points based on how the coins are perceived in the marketplace.


This page provides some videos that discuss various basics of gold and silver. How is gold and silver mined? How are the metals fashioned into coins? What is the history of the use of gold and silver as money over thousands of years? The videos cover those questions in an interesting way and provide some very basic information for anyone new looking to learn more.

One Gold Info

This is the one page on the blog that has a dual function (informational and commercial). One Gold is a relatively new way some people invest in gold or silver (or platinum). It is somewhat unique because it offers people a way to own actual physical gold or silver without having to store it themselves. An account with One Gold also allows the investor to tie in a bank account and/or credit card. This makes it easy to move funds back and forth, buy or sell actual physical gold, silver (or platinum), and even trade them if you are interested in doing that. I included this page because I have an account with One Gold myself. I have liked it and had no problems with it. Also, One Gold has a referral program. This is the only commercial link on this blog. If someone uses the link on this page to research One Gold and decides to open an account with them, I get a $5 referral fee. One Gold also offers $5 to the person opening an account once they purchase at least $100 in one of the metals. There are some other entities like Gold Money, Money Metals, and Kinesis that offer ways to own gold and silver in a digital format and vaulted for the owner (I have no commercial connection with those companies). It's always a good idea to compare various programs and I encourage anyone interested in this approach to owning gold or silver to look around. I just offer this page about One Gold here because I have used it myself and have liked it. This is not an investment recommendation or advice to buy or not buy any precious metals. Full disclosure: I purchased some silver in a One Gold account in early 2019 at about $16 per ounce. It's a long term hold for me and is vaulted by the Royal Canadian Mint.

Note to readers: You may ask if I have invested in gold and silver myself and how that has worked out for me? The answer is yes and it has worked out well overall. I have learned a lot over the years about what works best in my situation. I follow a strategy that does not require trying to time the markets since I am not a short term trader. We all know that no market is guaranteed for the future and gold and silver are no exception. The most important thing I have learned is that the more you know about a market, the better position you are in to make decisions. That is what prompted this effort to try and be helpful to anyone new to gold and silver. 

This blog is free for you to use in any way that might be useful. Any comments or suggestions for good quality resources to add on the blog are welcome. Please feel free to email them anytime to texwhite1000@yahoo.com. If you have a question about gold or silver and I know the answer or a good resource to look for the answer, I am happy to share that as well. Let me know if I can help and I appreciate any help that comes my way if you have knowledge to share.


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