Wall Street Silver Founder Discusses Group's Mission & Goals (Q&A Interview)

                                                           Ivan on Kitco News (Youtube image)

The Wall Street Silver subgroup on Reddit burst on the scene in late January 2021. Wallstreetbets on Reddit had made media headlines with its short squeeze play on Gamestop. Seemingly, out of that effort emerged the idea that the silver market was also set up for a potential short squeeze. Ivan Bayouhki, a member of the Wallstreetbets group, emerged as a leader for the new r/Wallstreetsilver sub group on Reddit.

Ivan kindly agreed to take time to do a Q&A style interview to discuss the mission and goals for Wall Street Silver over the long term. While the Wallstreetbets group tends to focus on shorter term investment goals related to specific stocks like Gamestop, Ivan sees Wall Street Silver as a potential long term movement for him now. Below are his thoughts on how he sees the future of silver and the role Wall Street Silver can play in raising awareness for silver as an investment.

Q: What first attracted you to silver as an investment?

A: "I always wanted something real. Everything today is so fake and manipulated everything from stocks to oil to the price of a loaf of bread at the store. The whole world is filled with lies and when I hold a Silver bar I feel right. Paper money is dying and silver is real. For 10,000 years silver has been here and will be here in 10,000 years. Will fake paper money be here?"

Q: How did you get involved with Wall Street Silver?

A: "I started wall street silver on January 29th after seeing Wall street bets grow 1 million a day. I was sitting with my dad when he was watching the Edmonton Oilers NHL hockey game."

Q: What is the mission of Wall Street Silver?  Is it long term or shorter term?

A: "The mission is to wake up the masses and change the world forever. The destruction of the US dollar is close and every paper money backed by nothing will fail. This is a long term community that will be here and remembered for thousands of years."

Q: Where do you envision Wall Street Silver two years from now?

A: "Two years from now we will have the power to shake mountains and this movement will make a change in the world. We will be written in history for the awakening."

Q: What kind of "vibe" does Wall Street Silver seek to have within the online community on Reddit?

A: "Positive vibe and a very strong  attitude to changing the world, we want people from every color and race and religion. It doesn’t matter where you are from you are family."

Q: What specific plans does Wall Street Silver have for getting out the message on silver as an investment to the general public?

A: "We will do everything from billboards, bumper stickers, Instagram advertising, twitter, we will start planning the most effective route to wake up millions and we will never give up. We are inviting people from every investment forum in the world to make Wall Street Silver the heart of the investment community and revolution."

Q: Why do you think this is the right time for a group like Wall Street Silver to emerge?

A: "We will wake up people whether they like it or not. The time to emerge to the world is right now and we will push at this forever."

Q: Do you see signs that younger investors are now seeking more information on silver as a potential investment?  Can you mention some signs you are seeing?

A: "We have done a poll in our community and continue to do so, more and more young investors are entering in the space. I am 24."

Q: Anything else you would like to communicate about Wall Street Silver or silver as an investment?


Thank you to Ivan for taking time from a busy schedule to answer these questions. Wall Street Silver clearly has the potential to grow a global grass roots movement that can impact the demand for physical silver. It has already impacted that demand in its brief history since starting up earlier this year. At the time of this interview, the online community has grown to nearly 45,000 members with a majority under the age of 40. The group will begin its awareness advertising campaign in earnest by April.

We have a blog page here that will be devoted to covering news and events over at Wall Street Silver. It will be interesting to follow the movement to see where it goes in the months and years ahead. You can find the Reddit page for Wall Street Silver here:   https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/

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