Should Millennials Care About Gold & Silver?

The general consensus I have seen following the gold and silver markets is that historically these markets have appealed mostly to the Boomer generation and most people under 50 (or for sure under 40) did not really care about gold and silver too much. That seems logical. Most people under 50 have never lived under a monetary system based on gold or silver. They may know that some old US coins ( pre 1965 ) were made with silver, but it is likely they have never gotten one in change in their entire lives. The rise of technology over the last 30-40 years means that most under 50 know a lot more about cell phones, tablets, and perhaps Bitcoin than they do about gold and silver. They have lived a lifetime so far without that mattering too much. It just seemed like gold and silver are something the old folks may care about, but why would anyone under 50? It's been a fair question for the younger crowd to ask. In this post I will offer three reasons why they should care and (in some case...